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25 year old Larry Carter examining work in the two batch ovens
Larry Carter keeping the dust down!
Larry Carter with hair!
View of 40 ft oven controls and Slater Electric in fibre barrels
Juan Aviles' 20ft spray booth w/3 ducts
Tomas Crespo's Single duct booth
Tomas Crespo working two rotating tables
Masco office intercoms getting a zinc prime, then sanding by Dees and brown metallic top coat on conveyor.
Aluminum tubes getting alodine pre-treatment, hung on conveyor with masking at bottom of tube, zinc prime and top coat of X24087 Marine Corps Green.
Full time maintenance man keeping the dust down.
Dees using our first spot welder outside of front office. Welding Slant Fin display signs.
Annie Francis taking parts off the conveyor
Annie Francis and Tony packing from the conveyor.
Candelaria Dela Cruz spraying Western Electric telephone boxes with light grey inside and Grey Wrinkle on the outside using Ransburg REA electrostatic gun. 3600 sets per week for over four years.
Bilmore Pool (Morgan Ave.)
Bilmore Pool (Morgan Ave.)
Products For Industry (PFI)
Products For Industry (PFI)
Universal Sign wrapped for shipping on pallet.
Universal Sign wrapped for shipping on pallet.
Juan Aviles spraying Sonar Radio perforated back panels in grey in water-wash booth.
Sonar Radio bezels exiting baking oven.
Sonar Radio bezels exiting baking oven.
Acid being sprayed onto modified vinyl to produce a leatherette texture on Metalcraft computer panel.
Acid being sprayed onto modified vinyl to produce a leatherette texture on Metalcraft computer panel.
Victor Cruz spraying Savin photocopying machine side panels from Darmon Tool, LIC
Larry Carter doing quality control.
Larry Carter doing quality control.
Larry Carter and Sam Caputo. Sam by caustic etch tank. Larry holding chain hoist.
Tony and Sam Caputo cleaning interior of 40ft oven.
Tony and Sam Caputo cleaning interior of 40ft oven.
Yardley battery pack top cover
Yardley battery pack top cover
Clay Adams medical centrifuge casting in grey hammertone.
Clavier black wrinkle housing.
Audio Equipment Hailer housing.
Audio Equipment Hailer housing.
Larry Carter arc welding
Larry Carter arc welding
Slant Fin Corporation
Annie Francis and Sam Caputo helping to silk screen display signs
Annie Francis and Sam Caputo helping to silk screen display signs
Unpainted end caps lined up agains 40ft oven.
Unpainted end caps lined up agains 40ft oven.
Loading end caps onto overhead conveyor.
Loading end caps onto overhead conveyor.
End caps traveling through conveyorized vapor degreaser to remove oils from steel.
End caps traveling through conveyorized vapor degreaser to remove oils from steel.
End caps traveling through conveyorized vapor degreaser to remove oils from steel.
Conveyor traveling from left to right. Frankie touching up the inside of end caps while Victor Cruz sprays outside with Ransburg REA electrostatic gun. Note 10 gallon paint pressure tank (tall unit) that he used exclusively for over forty years.
Frankie using Ransburg Airless electrostatic gun on Wall Trim Caps without the need of a touch up sprayer.
Frankie using Ransburg Airless electrostatic gun on Wall Trim Caps without the need of a touch up sprayer.
Inside Corners entering and exiting conveyorized 40ft oven
Inside Corners entering and exiting conveyorized 40ft oven
End Caps being removed from conveyor.
End Caps being removed from conveyor.
End Caps prepared for pack off.
End Caps prepared for pack off.
Larry Carter inspecting color and quality of finish.
Larry Carter inspecting color and quality of finish.
#80 End Caps being packed off.
#80 End Caps being packed off.
Larry Carter inspecting S/F commercial covers
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